
To support the students, parents, and personnel of Clyde Hamrick at the school and community level. To this end, we strive to : raise money by special projects for school improvements; promote fellowship within the school; supply information about Hamrick PTO; stimulate participation in school activities; and foster cooperative relationships between parents and teachers.

Volunteer at Hamrick

Hamrick PTO appreciates the time you give to help improve the lives of the children in our school. 
Consider donating your time to help our school. There are many volunteer opportunities throughout the year.

Please remember all volunteers must have a volunteer form on file in the office and all visitors must sign in when they arrive at school.  Click here to download the volunteer form. 

  • Earn higher grades and test scores, and enroll in higher-level programs
  • Be promoted, pass their classes and earn credits
  • Attend school regularly
  • Have better social skills, show improved behavior and adapt well to school
  • Graduate and go on to post-secondary education
  • - See more at: http://www.centerforpubliceducation.org/Main-Menu/Public-education/Parent-Involvement/Parent-Involvement.html#sthash.wkQHNfqf.dpuf
    To sign up for one of our volunteer opportunities click here.

  • Earn higher grades and test scores, and enroll in higher-level programs
  • Be promoted, pass their classes and earn credits
  • Attend school regularly
  • Have better social skills, show improved behavior and adapt well to school
  • Graduate and go on to post-secondary education
  • - See more at: http://www.centerforpubliceducation.org/Main-Menu/Public-education/Parent-Involvement/Parent-Involvement.html#sthas
    Volunteer / Event Descriptions:
    Movie Matinee:           Order, set up, and serve pizza and drinks to students after school before the movie starts.  Clean up, stay and supervise students during movie.

    Popcorn / Hat Days: Make popcorn, bag and deliver to classrooms. Each month a different grade covers this volunteer opportunity.

    Classroom parties:  Provide food, games and activities during parties; assist head room parent or donate items.

    Staff Appreciation:  Work with a committee to make or purchase and serve a meal during parent/teacher conferences.  Also, provide refreshments or lunch and small tokens of appreciation each day of “Teacher Appreciation” week.

    Scrip Gift Cards:        There are many ways to help with this program:  updating the form, answering questions, distributing flyers and forms at school events, distributing gift cards on Fridays, entering orders on Mondays, offering (selling) SCRIP Gift Cards at School Events. 

    Dinner with Santa:    Purchase, prepare, and/or serve dinner to students, staff, and families during shifts from approximately 5:00 to 7:00pm.

    Santa Shop:                Wrap items or help students shop. Set up or clean up afterwards. 

    Library Assist.:           Help re-shelve books. 

    Spring Fling:               Purchase, prepare, and serve dinner to students and staff after school before Spring Fling activities start.  
    School Grounds
     Beautification:         Love to garden or be outdoors?  Volunteer to help our crew spruce up the Hamrick grounds for the upcoming school year!  Date TBD.